Sunday Worship

Virtual Meeting for Worship

a Friends meetinghouse


Sunday, May 31, 2020 - 10:30am

Welcome to our virtual meetinghouse!  While we are unable to meet in each other's physical presence during the COVID 19 pandemic, we can electronically gather together in Spirit via Zoom. If you would like to join us, contact Mark Helpsmeet by his email or by cell phone 715-491-0783.  He will send you a Zoom invite. 

Event type: 

Visit by UU Middle School Youth to Quaker Worship

UU Middle School Group


Sunday, January 20, 2019 - 10:00am

The Middle School group at Eau Claire's Unitarian-Universalist Congregation are learning about various religions and faith traditions throughout this year. They started with Judaism, their UU faith, Christianity, Catholicism, and are currently studying Quakerism. On January 20th, 2019, they will be joining Eau Claire Quakers for an experience of Quaker worship. They will arrive by 10 am, be part of the Pre-worship Enrichment led by Martha at 10:15, and stay in worship 10:30-11:30.

Event type: 

All-Meeting Worship & Potluck


Sunday, April 1, 2018 - 10:30am

All-Meeting Worship, instead of traditional silent/unprogrammed worship, Mark & Patty will semi-program worship, weaving quiet activities with silence. 

Special focus will be on gathering contributions of prayers for peace & unity, to be passed to the Eau Claire Interfaith Prayer website.

Worship will be preceded at 10:15 by a session of Pre-Worship Enrichment, led by Mark.

Potluck will follow the close of worship at 11:30.

Event type: 


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