At our last Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, one Friend proposed our Meeting do a fundraiser for a local organization. A musician and performer this Friend knows would be in the area in April, and was willing to provide entertainment for a fundraiser if we could book a date right away. This idea was supposed to be proposed at the last Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, but your rookie Clerk forgot to bring it up. The spirit of our last meeting showed we were not in unity around this idea, and so the idea was allowed to season for a month.
Thinking about this at some length, it seems prudent to ask, "What does our Meeting need now?"
First, we have begun moving to a committee-based process for managing our Meeting's affairs. This effort has had its ups and downs. What is needed to continue to nurture this process, to grow our committees into their gifts?
Also, many Friends are concerned about the state of our environment. Our Meeting has led a sustainability course, and collaborated with other groups in a study group entitled, "Transitioning to a Self-Reliant Community", designed to support moving to better environmental practices in the Eau Claire area. What efforts are needed to continue and support this process?
Next, some Friends have expressed a desire for a refresher course on the basics of Quakerism. Newcomers, when asked, also expressed a desire for this. Is this an effort our Meeting should undertake? If so, what is needed to support this process?
Finally, First Day School numbers continue to remain low, and attendance is sporadic. Groups were created based on age, but often go empty. What is needed to lovingly grow this side of our Meeting into its full potential?
As we move towards our next Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, Friends are encouraged to hold our Meeting and all its facets in the Light, seeking divine guidance so that we may follow a nurturing path.